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Carer's Guide for Young Onset Dementia

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  Video Vorlesungen
  Fallstudien mit Experten
  Praktische Übungen
Welcome to the RHAPSODY Carer's Guide for Young Onset Dementia. This information program has been specifically developed for you and other carers who support people diagnosed with dementia before the age of 65 years. The program focusses on issues that are particularly relevant for family and friends who provide support as carers. How to deal with the different everyday challenges that may arise? Where to find the help and support that is needed? How to look after yourself as a carer? The program also provides information on the most common types of dementia, on the process of diagnosis and the types of treatment that may be available.

The RHAPSODY Carer's Guide includes seven parts:

Part 1: What is young onset dementia?
Part 2: A medical perspective on young onset dementia
Part 3: Frequent problems and solutions
Part 4: Dealing with challenging behaviour
Part 5: Family issues
Part 6: How to get help
Part 7: Looking after yourself

To make the program practical, approachable and easy to follow, it includes different types of presentations that explain the information in several different ways. These include:
  • Introductions and overviews by a moderator
  • Short presentations by professionals
  • Interactive sections on optional topics
  • Real-life examples and experiences of other carers
  • Video clips, photographs and illustrations
  • Additional material providing in-depth information

We hope that the RHAPSODY Carer's Guide provides the type of information, suggestions and tips that you will find useful as a carer who is close to someone diagnosed with young onset dementia.
About Rhapsody
The Carer's Guide for Young Onset Dementia has been developed in four langauges between 2014 and 2017 as part of the RHAPSODY project.

RHAPSODY was an EU Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) project.



  • Bridget Jones
    Bridget Jones
    Health Psychologist
    University of Surrey
  • Jan Oyebode
    Prof. Jan Oyebode
    Clinical Psychologist
    University of Bradford
  • Anna Metcalfe
    Anna Metcalfe
    Clinical Psychologist
    Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP)